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Introducing a Medically Tailored Meal program at our partner organization

Food For Health takes pride in its collaborative efforts with organizations to promote workplace well-being. Our longstanding partner, Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative, has recently launched an innovative program called the Well-being Champion Program. This program aims to provide their employees with a comprehensive solution tailored to improving their overall health and well-being through medically tailored meals.

As part of the Well-Being Champion Program, participants had the opportunity to visit our headquarters, where they received biometric screenings and were given a tour of our acclaimed facility. These screenings were conducted by our amazing Health Coaches, Sara Fox, and Tim Halverson, who will support participants throughout their transformative journey.

The program itself spans a duration of six months and serves as a pilot initiative. Participants are provided with delicious and nutritious meals on a weekly basis, along with bi-weekly coaching sessions and access to our extensive digital wellness platform. We are eagerly anticipating the results at the conclusion of this pilot phase, and we express our sincere gratitude to Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative for joining forces with us to challenge diet-related diseases in the workplace.